What is an Elastomeric Pump?

Recently, Fort Worth Birthing and Wellness Center, aka Midwife + Co, posted that they are now using Elastomeric IV pumps at the birth center. This is truly an exciting new option so we wanted to share some information with you about what to expect. 

Whether you’ve had previous medical experiences or not, most folks can agree that the idea of being tethered to an IV pole during labor sounds less than ideal. When planning a birth experience with the goal of ‘as little medical intervention as possible’, an IV can certainly feel invasive and can seriously limit birthing mobility in most instances.

Learn More: Top 5 Places to Labor

These little devices are called Elastomeric Pumps, also known as “bubble pumps” or a “ball pump”. Elastomeric pumps use pressure to infuse medication. This pressure is created by an elastomeric layer which is molded into the inside of the pump. When the pump gets filled, the elastomeric layer becomes stretched. The elastic constriction then drives the liquid that is present through the tubing.

Since this system is not gravity dependent you are able to fit the little pump into a pouch or even your pocket while you labor with full freedom to move about your birthing space. Win-win!

Read on to learn more about How Movement Effects Labor

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