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Benefits of Mediterranean Diet During Pregnancy

Advertising is constantly pushing the newest diet fad at us, especially as pregnant folks, so it’s no wonder that so many people are confused and conflicted on what is actually safe and healthy. 

Mediterranean Food - Fact or Fad?

For years now I’ve heard great things about the “Mediterranean Diet” and to be honest, when I eat Mediterranean food, I feel good. But is it all in my head? Scientific research says no, it’s all in my DNA. Telomeres are ingrained in your DNA, and their length and size can “predict life expectancy and the risk of developing age-related diseases” (1). Mediterranean diets have a large amount of antioxidants to boot, which aids in preserving telomere length. In another study among women, 46% were more likely to “age healthfully (no chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, kidney disease, lung disease, Parkinson’s disease or cancer) when they are on a Mediterranean diet (2). Another study found that the Mediterranean diet had most of the same positive effects on the microbiome to help with healthier aging (3)

What About Pregnancy?

I think it’s safe to say that the science supports leaning into a Mediterranean diet but can it help during pregnancy?

I’ll preface this with, you should always talk to a medical professional before making any extreme changes to your diet, but the research looks good, y’all. In a study done by the Boston Birth Cohort, they found:

  • Women with preexisting cardiometabolic disorders (chronic hypertension, obesity, and diabetes) are at higher risk for preeclampsia.

  • In a racially and ethnically diverse high‐risk population, adherence to a Mediterranean‐style diet is associated with lower odds of preeclampsia.

  • The benefit of a Mediterranean‐style diet is also present when the analysis is restricted to Black women only.

Like, wow! In a nutshell, after studying a diverse group of women, the relative risk of developing preeclampsia was lowered by 20% when following a Mediterranean diet, even when other factors were taken into consideration (5). And what’s more, another study showed a decrease in fetal birth defects when following the Mediterranean diet (6). That is a huge breakthrough in nutritional research!

What is the Mediterranean diet?

Something we love: the Mediterranean Diet pyramid itself is built on enjoying meals together with your family and staying physically active.

Lucky for you, I found this nifty pyramid to help, and it’s quite easy to follow. Essentially the bulk of your meals are based around fruits, vegetables, (whole) grains, extra virgin olive oil, beans, buts, legumes and seeds. Protein comes most from fish and seafood. And you rarely include poultry, dairy, eggs, red meats and sweets in your day to day diet. 

Help! I don’t know where to start!

I got you! One of my favorite recipe books is The Mediterranean Table from the Sonoma Press. Not only does it give you so many seriously amazing recipes, but also a sample menu, background on Mediterranean countries, and amazing tips and tricks to help guide you.

If you’re trying to conceive, It Starts With the Egg and The IVF Meal Plan are both solid cookbooks based on the Mediterranean style of eating.

Outside of this, there are so many great cook books and even boards on Pinterest to help guide you. You can also reach out to your birth | Fort Worth doula for more information and support!

Author: Chelsea Kimball, Postpartum Doula & Infant Feeding Specialist