7 Tips for Postpartum Prep

Every home is unique in a multitude of ways. Today I’ll be talking about some little things I’m doing around my house to make life easier after baby is born.


I’m big on natural light and waking up with the sun. It makes me feel good and keeps me on a good schedule. BUT I know that waking up with a baby during the night, my “schedule” is about to change in a big way. That’s why I’m hanging black out curtains in my room.



I haven’t fully set these up yet as I’m not due until November but I’ve got two caddies that will become my nursing stations. I’ll fill these with snacks (thing’s that don’t need to be refrigerated) like granola bars, apple sauce packages, peanut butter crackers, pretzel sticks, Slim Jims, water bottles, breakfast essential drinks and Body Armor since these are some of my personal favorite cupboard snacks. You can fill your caddies with anything you like. But the general “rule” is that you should eat when the baby eats, even if it’s just a snack. I’ll put one near my bed, and one in the living room, the two places I plan on spending the most time. 


The space in my room is limited, and we don’t have a nursery. So in order to optimize my space, while being comfortable and not having to get up and down, I’ve made an “everything cart”. It’s a utility cart with wheels that I’ve put everything I’ll need on. Diapers, wipes, receiving blankets, sleep sacks, my haakaa, milk bags, nipple cream, diaper cream, chapstick and a change of clothes for the baby. You can add or take away whatever fits your needs. Pumping? Add a pumping shelf! If you have the room, add your nursing station caddy! If you only need the cart for one room, remove the wheels, or leave them on to easily take to other locations with you. 


Because of my limited space it was important for me to organize all the baby clothes by size and put up the things I won’t need for a little while. I have a three drawer dresser for baby. Top drawer is Newborn clothes. Middle is 0-3mn clothes. And bottom is sleep sacks and baby carriers. All the other clothes are put away, in organized bags for easy access to grab the next size when it’s needed. No hassle, no stress.

READ MORE: An Organizer’s 3 Must-Do’s for Organizing Your Nursery


Even living in a multi-generational household, I struggle to ask my family for help sometimes. I’m a “do-it-all”, “superwoman”, “A-type” person. That is neither realistic, or fair to myself. Fortunately for me, my family knows me well. My husband and mother-in-law have both communicated how much they’re excited to help and be a big part of postpartum. So, we’ve gotten a few doubles of things, and are setting up a little space in my in-laws room for the baby. Do I need a nap? A shower? Need to get work done? Just want a little ME time? It’s not only okay to need these things, but it’s IMPORTANT to prioritize myself sometimes. So I’ve let go of some control, and asking for help. 


Here is another thing that I haven’t ACTUALLY done yet, but will be. Closer to my due date (around 37 weeks) I’ll start filling my freezer with make ahead meals. Things like casseroles, crock pot meals, soups, egg muffins, lactation cookies, etc. Things that will both nourish my postpartum body, and feed my family while I’m not on my feet (as the main cook in the house). This is something I really enjoy doing! It’s time where I cook with a lot of inward reflection, picturing those meals with a baby on my chest. Knowing that I won’t be stressed about my older children needing dinner in those first weeks. And I will probably recruit my older kiddos, and maybe even my husband to dance around the kitchen and cook with me. It doesn’t have to be a chore!

Read More: 7 Make Ahead Freezer Meals


One thing we don’t like to think about, but is essential in the ease of our postpartum, the bathroom. Be prepared, it’s better to over-prep then under-prep. I have a large trash bag (that smells like lavender) ready to go. A cute basket on one side of the toilet, stocked with Depends diapers (Yes, depends diapers! There is nothing more comfortable, or able to hold in mess). On the other side a basket with hemorrhoid cream, witch hazel, After Ease, Dermaplast spray, sitz bath packs and ibuprofen.

Read More: Prepping My Family for My Upcoming Home Birth

Of course there are little things I’m doing, like setting up swings, find a place for my humidifier etc. but those are things everyone bringing home a baby is doing. It’s important to not rush yourself and do these things at your own pace. For me, I’m a checklist kind of woman, and have my lists all laid out so when the time comes to actually do certain things my mind is at ease. Find what works best for you and your family always, but maybe my checklist can help you on your journey.

Much Love-
Doula Chelsea