What is Your Best Birth Class™?

Your Best Birth Class grew out of a need…

(and many late-night conversations). In Fort Worth, there is a huge gap in our childbirth education options. There's a 10 week class available but it's quite pricey and a huge time commitment. And, to be honest, the curriculum just isn't for everyone. There are a few other options, but we don't believe they are as in-depth as they should be. After visiting with a few local midwives, who happened to agree, we decided to fill that gap.

Doula Barb spent over a year researching and crafting the curriculum. She spent time with local birth professionals discussing exactly what they'd like to see in the classes. As doulas, we work with clients who have taken all sorts of childbirth education classes and we've seen exactly what is lacking and where there is room for improvement. We've used this information to make this class the very best.

Your Best Birth Class™ is about truly preparing for #YourBestBirth- what ever that looks like for YOU. 

Your Best Birth Classes at Fort Worth Birthing & Wellness Center

Voted Best Birth Class in Fort Worth 2019

Your Best Birth Class™ will prepare you for an un-medicated, natural birth experience but we understand that life happens...

....so we'll educate you for all scenarios, because sometimes things change and we believe knowledge takes away fear.  We'll discuss building a birth team, optimal fetal positioning, writing a killer birth plan, what to expect in the last few weeks of pregnancy; including end of pregnancy tests and procedures. You'll get the scoop on induction and common interventions and finally, we'll discuss breastfeeding basics and tips for transitioning into the 4th trimester.


For those seeking a more intimate experience, we still offer Your Best Birth Class™- Private Sessions- a 6 hour class taught in the comfort of your own home and customized to meet your birthing needs. As with the Saturday Sessions, information is presented in an easy to understand format with an emphasis on informed choice

It is perfect for first time parents and those looking for a refresher course, alike.


Upcoming 2019 Your Best Birth Classes™:

  • Oct. 12 - FWBC & Midlothian

  • Oct. 26 - Adriatica

  • Nov. 6 & 13 - Wednesday Sessions

  • Nov. 9 - FWBC & Midlothian

  • Nov. 23 - Adriatica

  • Dec. 4 & 11 - Wednesday Sessions

  • Dec. 7 - FWBC

  • Dec. 14 - Adriatica

To get more information on Your Best Birth Classes™ follow the links or Contact Us here.